zaterdag 31 augustus 2013

Disney and Vegetables

My daughters scrapbook is sleightly different. She also loves comics, but more like Disney and Vegetables.

Saturday, 31/08/2013 - Superhero Scrapbook

I infected my son completely with the comic virus. Haha. We are making a scrapbook together and the maintheme offcourse is superheroes. It is a little difficult. He is just 4 years old and before we put the pictures in the book, he wants to play with them. So, 60% off all the pictures never reaches an empty page.

Here some pages of my sons book:


vrijdag 30 augustus 2013

Avengers 2 and "Thor Ban"......

I am curious how James Spader will play his role in Avengers 2. Finally a good actor is chosen for a superhero movie. Looking forward to see it. It is also great to see Black Panther and Spider Woman.

I was wondering how they call this sun glasses. Probably a pair of "Thor Ban"???

Friday, 30/08/2013 - Skull in bathroomfloor

Recently I discovered we have a "Skull" in our bathroomfloor. As a matter of fact, we have two of them. You have to look very carefull. Is it just my imagination, or can you guys see him to?

donderdag 29 augustus 2013

Batman Sketch

Does anyone know who is the artist who draw this Batman? Really love the style!!


At the moment, Tintin is on TV. I saw this movie before (who didn't?) and it was pretty cool.
I once had the entire hardcover comic collection of Tintin and all the Dvd's, but I sold it all and
bought action comics for the money. I don't regret this, although the comicstories are very nice.

Thursday, 29/08/2013 - The Dragon

A guy here in the area made a big iron dragon. It is for some kind of festival. I have really no idea what kind of festival, but one thing is for sure...... the Dragon looka amazing. Especially because he did it all by himself.

woensdag 28 augustus 2013

Without comment!!!

21:29 hours

PPppffffffffff, boring. 1,5 hours to go.........

Doing important work at my desk.


I'm at work at the moment till 23.00 hours. It is not very busy, so I have the time to sketch a little.
Here a first result:

Wednesday, 28/08/2013 - Flight Of The Navigator

Flight of the Navigator is on tv right now. Man, I remember this from the eighties. Back than the movie was fantastic. Special effect were awesome. It is on Syfy at the moment. Man, brings back real good memories.

dinsdag 27 augustus 2013

Nooooooo, Bridget Jones Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no, Bridget Jones #2 is on television right now. NNNOoooOOOoooooOO.
Please, don't let there be Bridget Jones comics!!!!!

(Wanna know why? Look at my blog of last night!!!)

Tuesday, 27/08/2013 - Scott Gross

Jinkies, a very, very Scoobylicious addition to my collection today. Found Scott Gross's package in the mail this afternoon. Really great signed comic and some signed (covers?). Absolutely great!!!

Itall  looks a little dirty, but that's because of my scanner.

Scott, in a while I will definitely have a look at Sketchmaven to buy some of your original artwork.
Many thanx for you very nice contribution. I hope to read much more from your stuff in the future.

maandag 26 augustus 2013

Monsters Inc.????? Real????

Our children were watching Monsters Inc. yesterday. Our son was a little afraid what would happen in his bedroom when it was dark. Fortunately he made it till the morning without being awake. I told him monsters do not exist, especially not in a bedroom. I think he believed me.
But this morning, when I woke up.... our door was a little open. Guess what I found on our wall????????
Wwwhhhhaaaaaaa, I am not grazy, I am not grazy, WWWhhhaaaaaaaaaa. I am not grazy.

Justin Bieber

Blade and Bridget Jones

It seems that every time I buy a comic, the motion picture of this comic appears on tv. Last time it was Chucky, now it is Blade. In the week I bought this Blade comic, the movie was on television.

This evening Bridget Jones Diary is on TV.............................(Oh no.......Sh*t!!!!)

New poster of Loki (Thor The Dark World)

X Termination #1 and #2

The two latest editions in my collection. Very nice issues of this great series. I started reading and 5 minutes later I finished issue 2. 

Some more of my publications

Here are some more pictures of me which have been published throughout the years:

Following pictures were published in a book by Lou Drendel. He is producing the most fantastic aircraft paintings. I doubt there is a better one then he is!! Here is a link to his fabulous artwork:

Some of my pictures in this book:

Kick Ass 2

Going to watch Kick Ass 2 tonight. Looks pretty cool to me! Anybody already seen it??????

zondag 25 augustus 2013


At the moment we have a weather alert. Half an hour ago the sun was shining and this picture I took 5 minutes ago:

With a little fantasy the bottom of the cloud almost looks like Italy! Haha

Car Crash this morning

We were Lucky this morning. Me and the children were walking the dogs. We just went through some bushes to an open field when a car crashed en came towards us through the same bushes. Driver claimed that he had a blackout. Fortunately it stopped in time but if we were 2 minutes later we at least ended up in the hospital or worse. We must have had a little angel. haha.

Talking about angels............. In October Supernatural Season 9 starts. Can't wait to see the first episode of this season. It is one of my favorite TV shows for years now.

The other show I am waiting for is Grimm Season 3. At first I thought..... Oh No, not again a fairytale story, but it really surprised me when I saew it for the first time.

Published pictures

Here some more pictures I published in the past. My pictures of the F-16 crash were published in almost ervery national newspaper and it was on all national TV channels in the news. Although the subject is not very nice, it is great to see your name in the national press!

Some different things.

Here some other sketches:

Besides Comics, my other hobby is Photography. I'm not doing it as much as I want anymore, but that's because of less time. Furthermore, comics are more interesting. Haha.

Here some pictures I published throughout the years:

Sunday, 25/08/2013 - More sketches

Here some more of my sketches again. As ususal, not my own ideas, just draw them for fun during
lunchbreak. Most of the time I do not even finish them.

zaterdag 24 augustus 2013

Tom & Jerry

Incredible, 35 years old and I am watching Tom and Jerry at the moment (23.50 hours LT). There's a commercialbreak during the movie, so I have a valid excuse again to watch cartoons. Haha. Wife and children are in bed already, so cartoontime!!!!!!!!!!!! (Heuh, just during commercialbreak ;-))

Just found another nice cartoon. These guys are making nice drawings. Very simple and clear, but their sense of humor is really awesome!!! Hope to buy a comic of them soon (if they ever will be sold here) 
Well, it's over for now. I'm heading for bed. Put my nose at the same height as my toes and looking forward for breakfast.

Scooby Doo - Where are you??????

Our daughter of 6 and son of 4 are huge fans of Scooby Doo. Specially our daughter. She's looking episodes as much as she can. Off course we do not allow them to watch all day, but they are Lucky that dad is also a big Scooby Fan. Haha.

A while ago she made a painting of Scooby at school. As you can see, it really is him.
Scott, competition is near!! Hahaha.

Silence of the Lambs

Lately, we have again some good movies on the television. It used to be terrible last couple of months, but now it is going better again and some good movies are broadcasted. This evening it
is Silence Of The Lambs. I already saw it dozens of times, but I am still going to look.

And remember what you have to do when you encounter a zombie (because in 6 weeks it is time for The Walking Dead - Season 4):